Let’s Play!

Did you know that PLAY is the #1 way in which children learn up to at least age 10. Play also lays a foundation for developing relationships, understanding rules and social dynamics, building confidence, and it also aids in developing creative thinking and executive functioning skills.

At Renew MFR, our goal is to help kids of all ages to be kids…to play and laugh and learn and grow! We help children thrive and achieve developmental milestones, process sensory information, reduce the need for medication and avoid unnecessary surgeries. These are just a few examples of what is possible!

Questions? Contact us at renewmfr@yahoo.com or call/text 901-233-0293

pediatric therapy

  • Let's learn.

    Fascial restrictions can occur anywhere in the body, putting pressure on sensitive structures leading to symptoms that look like learning disabilities, poor emotional regulation, limited movement and poor coordination.


    Little humans need myofascial release too! For overall wellness, fussiness, chronic ear and digestive issues, reaching developmental milestones and to develop appropriate responses to sensory input. MFR is also effective for releasing tongue tie.

“You’re off to great places. Today is your day! Your mountain is waiting, so get on your way!”― Dr. Seuss